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Please make note of your spirits' background before checking out as we no longer send a paper version to help the planet.


These pretty vessels are home to 5 powerful spirits that we have attached on summer solstice 2024.

Each spirit has come through a portal that we have opened for Stonehenge.

It is believed Stonehenge like many other power places emits energy and the ancients knew the power of the circle to focus and harness this energy. The stones were built with an eye to the stars, with ancestors being keen astronomers.

The stones were built with an eye to the stars, with ancestors being keen astronomers. The stones themselves align perfectly with the sun at both midsummer and midwinter to render a magnificent spectacle.

These vessels are portals in their own right. Their eyes ae open to Stonehenge in the time that they were alive.

Gaze into their eyes and be taken back in time. You will also have very vivid dreams and visions. The spirits will speak with you telepathically and reach out to touch you.

This strong personality is Organe.

Organe sacrificed herself as an offering to the Gods to save her family. Willingly sacrificing herself was easier for the community and her bloodline could carry on. Organe walked into the Wickerwork and was burned alive. She did not call out other than to tell her family she loved them.

Organe is a celtic witch. She used nature and herbs in her spells. She would sing to nature and sing her chants to have her needs met. The Gods told her that if she offered herself that her family would be spared.

Organe has been earth bound and is able to travel through trees, her spirit will speak through the breeze and tell you messages from the ancient powers. These messages are personal to you and people close to you.

We have been using automatic writing with Organe and she has been drawing her home and people in her life, she has told us that she would like to guide someone and protect them. She feels her spirit will then reach the highest level of guardian and will stay with you until you pass. Guiding you into the afterlife.

Organe likes to use mirrors to show her spirit to you, she is always smiling. She will also come to you in dreams and guide you with spell work, her powers and knowledge are ancient. When you dream of her she is always under a tree.


These are our experiences. Yours may be different. We are not held accountable for any activity you may experience positive or negative.

If you change your mind, you have 7 working days to retrun the item in the way it was sent.

These are spirits, not performing clowns. They should be treated with the utmost respect and shouldn't be asked to perform on demand.

We sell on other platforms and our website to make it fair for everyone who wants to adopt from us.

Your payments are protected by Wix and PayPal, just like other legitimate websites.

Thank you for adopting with the supernaturalsisters

Organe Druid witch

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