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In the dimly lit corridors of the Asylum, whispers of a tragic tale echoed through the stone walls. It was the year 1883, and the institution housed those whom society wished to forget. Among them was a woman named Eleanor, whose sharp intellect and free spirit had been her downfall in a time when such traits were deemed unbecoming.

Eleanor had been a writer, her words too bold and her thoughts too progressive. When her works challenged the status quo, she was swiftly condemned, her mental state questioned by those threatened by her voice. The asylum became her silencing cell.

Despite the oppressive atmosphere, Eleanor's resolve never wavered. She found solace in stolen moments of solitude, scribbling her thoughts on scraps of paper. But her continued defiance drew the ire of the head physician, a man whose cruelty was as renowned as his medical practice.

One fateful night, a storm raged outside, mirroring the chaos within Eleanor's heart. She penned what would be her final act of rebellion, a piece exposing the horrors of the asylum. The Dr discovered her writings and, in a fit of rage, declared her a danger to herself and others.

The next morning, Eleanor was found lifeless in her room, her last words forever silenced. The official report stated she succumbed to her 'illness,' but the truth was known among the patients. Eleanor's spirit, never left. Her presence lingered, a reminder of the cost of seeking truth in an age of oppression.

Eleanor is a gentle spirit.

Once a resident of the Asylum, Eleanor's spirit remains as vibrant as her intellect was in life. She's a silent whisperer of stories, a muse for the creative, and a quiet observer of the modern world.

She wants to ensure her tale lives on through the ages!

Eleanor could inspire writers and artists with her timeless tales and experiences from the past. She enjoys watching the world change and evolve, silently comparing it to her own time. Eleanor will roam the home at night, especially those that remind her of her own era.

In the quiet of the night, she will recount her own stories, reliving her moments of bravery and defiance. These whispers you’ll hear.

The smell of the Asylum can linger in the air and the sounds of cries can be heard at night.


These are our experiences. Yours may be different. We are not held accountable for any activity you may experience positive or negative.

If you change your mind, you have 7 working days to retrun the item in the way it was sent.

These are spirits, not performing clowns. They should be treated with the utmost respect and shouldn't be asked to perform on demand.

We sell on other platforms and our website to make it fair for everyone who wants to adopt from us.

Your payments are protected by Wix and PayPal, just like other legitimate websites.

Thank you for adopting with the supernaturalsisters

Eleanor a gentle spirit

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